Homework № 12, Unit 2 из решебника ГДЗ на учебник (student's book) enjoy english по Английскому языку 7 класса от авторов М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. Готовое домашнее задание актуально на 2012-2018 годы.
Look back at the text you read in the classroom (ex. 31 on pages 40-41).
a) Make a list of “international words” used in the text.
Example: ocean — океан
b) Make a plan covering the main information.
Example: What country?
How big is it?
a) Make a list of “international words” used in the text.
Example: ocean — океан
b) Make a plan covering the main information.
Example: What country?
How big is it?
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