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Progress Check № 1, Unit 3 - ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Биболетова (Учебник)

Progress Check № 1, Unit 3 из решебника ГДЗ на учебник (student's book) enjoy english по Английскому языку 7 класса от авторов М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. Готовое домашнее задание актуально на 2012-2018 годы.
Complete each sentence with one of the words below.

trouble, education, attend, allowed, have, punish, private, punishment, behaves

In Russia education is compulsory between ages of 6-7 and 15 years. There are different types of secondary schools in the country. Most of them are state schools where ... is free.
But some parents want their children to attend ... schools which aren’t free.
Children have to ... school from Monday till Friday. In some schools they ... to wear uniform. In others they are ... to wear what they want.
The discipline isn’t very strict. But if a pupil ... badly the teacher can ... the child. Of course, the ... isn’t severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of... and always do their best.
Решение 1
Фото картинка ответа 1: Progress Check № 1, Unit 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Биболетова (Учебник)
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ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Биболетова (Учебник)
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