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Progress Check № 5, Unit 1 из решебника ГДЗ на учебник (student's book) enjoy english по Английскому языку 7 класса от авторов М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. Готовое домашнее задание актуально на 2012-2018 годы.
Act out with your partner.
Pupil A — You call your friend and you’d like to invite him to the concert. But your friend is not at home. Ask his / her sister (brother) to take a message for your friend.
Pupil В — Your brother (sister) is not at home. But his / her friend phones him (her). Take a phone message for your brother (sister) from his/ her friend.
Pupil A — You call your friend and you’d like to invite him to the concert. But your friend is not at home. Ask his / her sister (brother) to take a message for your friend.
Pupil В — Your brother (sister) is not at home. But his / her friend phones him (her). Take a phone message for your brother (sister) from his/ her friend.
Другие задания из этого решебника