Sections № 12, Unit 1 из решебника ГДЗ на учебник (student's book) enjoy english по Английскому языку 7 класса от авторов М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. Готовое домашнее задание актуально на 2012-2018 годы.
Are you sure that you know yourself? Give “Yes” or “No” answers to the questions. Score your points. Read about yourself.
Yes No
I. Do you value friendship? 1 0
2. Do new things attract you? 1 0
3. Do you prefer old clothes to new ones? 1 0
4. Do you often pretend to be happy? 0 1
5. Have you dreamed of more than three different jobs when you were a child? 0 1
6. Do you lose self-confidence (уверенность в себе) when you have to solve
a difficult problem? 0 1
7. Do you collect anything? 1 0
8. Do you often change your plans at the last moment? 0 1
If your score is more than 6, you are a person of good character. Your parents, teachers, friends love you.
If your score is 6, your mood (настроение) changes quickly. So it’s quite difficult to communicate with you. If you want to be lucky always take a chance.
If your score is less than 3, believe in yourself and your abilities. You should trust (доверять) people and try to find a true friend.
Yes No
I. Do you value friendship? 1 0
2. Do new things attract you? 1 0
3. Do you prefer old clothes to new ones? 1 0
4. Do you often pretend to be happy? 0 1
5. Have you dreamed of more than three different jobs when you were a child? 0 1
6. Do you lose self-confidence (уверенность в себе) when you have to solve
a difficult problem? 0 1
7. Do you collect anything? 1 0
8. Do you often change your plans at the last moment? 0 1
If your score is more than 6, you are a person of good character. Your parents, teachers, friends love you.
If your score is 6, your mood (настроение) changes quickly. So it’s quite difficult to communicate with you. If you want to be lucky always take a chance.
If your score is less than 3, believe in yourself and your abilities. You should trust (доверять) people and try to find a true friend.
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