Sections № 50, Unit 3 из решебника ГДЗ на учебник (student's book) enjoy english по Английскому языку 7 класса от авторов М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. Готовое домашнее задание актуально на 2012-2018 годы.
All grown-ups remember their school years. Listen to the story told by an Englishman. Answer the questions:
1. At what age do students finish school in Britain?
2. What first language is studied in British schools?
3. What kind of a subject is Science?
4. Why is it important to study Russian?
1. At what age do students finish school in Britain?
2. What first language is studied in British schools?
3. What kind of a subject is Science?
4. Why is it important to study Russian?
Другие задания из этого решебника